Portfolio > The Jasmine Scented Ones

Benshinand-Benshaanand Landscape (As They Sit They Settle)
3D Resin Print
14 x 9 x 1-1/2 inches
Benshinand-Benshaanand Landscape-Side View
3D Resin Print
14 x 9 x 1-1/2 inches
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
As They Sit (Benshinand)-Detail
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
Settling (Benshaanand)-Detail
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
Benshinand- Side View
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
As They Sit, They Settle
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
When They Quarrel (Bestizand)
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
Bestizand- Detail
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
They are Bound (Barbandand)
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
Barbandand- Detail
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches
They Achieve- Detail
Silkscreen on tissue paper
24 x 36 inches

This collection of screen prints on Japanese Rayon Lens visually pairs verbs borrowed from a Hafez poem, The Jasmine Scented Ones in order to meditate on the breathtaking tension intended by the poet between them throughout the poem visually.
Each stanza of the poem is a meditation on wordplay between two verbs, at times similar in form but contradicting in meaning and everything in between.
The poem opens with the stanza, As the jasmine-scented ones sit, they settle the dust of sorrow, an image of rest which sets the mood for the poem to follow. Sitting and settling stem from the same root in Persian- Benshinanad, Benshanand. At times the verbs are very close in form; sometimes they’re identical, but evoke different meanings in separate lines.
Inspired by the way Hafez plays with each verb pair, I designed a constellation of the words having in mind the final interlocking pattern, and creating a dust-like effect.
Designing a pixelated typography, I rid the verbs from questions of calligraphy and examine them in a contemporary light, a more authentic approach to my practice.
The following piece gives more context to this body of work, developed during my residency at Women's Studio Workshop, written by Liz Thabet: Conditions of Longing:Golnar Adili in the Studio